Thursday, 12 February 2009

Maya show you this?

Well It's maya time and guess what?
That's right! It's BAD!

Well I was a little negative there but I just feel I'm not ready for this and I'm actually rather nervous about getting this done on time. But enough of this, let's talk about work, making two models and rigging them into 3D isn't going to be easy and with weeks away it feels like doom...


So yeah... doom. But all is not lost and some maya has been created for this project. Advice given by Jared (lucky you) was to create pre-models to see how it would look and fit in maya and I'm actually quite pleased i've done this, since this is really my first model. Some parts work really well, mainly in the Silverback Gorilla since the Spheres work quite well representing the muscles (though I don't think I will be needing muscle riggings for this work though....... good)
Let's talk about the Silverback first:

While the face is meant to be basic for this tutorial I think the body works quite well, especially the arms. Somehow I don't think this is going to look quite as well once it's finish but who knows, something might suprise me.

Suddenly Spheres. I wanted to keep this example basic and for most of the model to use spheres to represent the bulk of the Gorilla's anatomy stucture. I guess one flaw is by not featuring toes on the foot but I'm sure the fingers cover up the same feel as if they were there.

I believe once I've actually completed the final model I will be creating the facial stuctures in Zbrush, since it might save time on the project and will look also look smoother once rendered. Speaking of which, Zbrush might actually be my life saver when it comes to making the models look like Claymation; using thumbmarks and material stretches could be the peak between maya reality and stop-motion's limits.

I really love the body from this view. The face on the other hand... (though the mouth works)

It makes me wonder if the Gorilla is a little too stretched by looking at this direction. i think the arms are fine but the body may need to a little smaller in size when it comes to.


Ignoring that, I think this test worked quite well. it's possible if there is time I might create a facial test for both Silverback and Willie; but it's optional as the balanced structure is all what I need at this time. I think I might start the body in the same manner as this test when it comes to making, BUT by using nurbs instead to enable more freedom with the skin of the arms and torso. So I give this test a pass.
Now onto towards Willie:

Ok that was a little much from that previous sentence, but this test didn't work as well. Funny how I should have knowledge of the human anatomy greater than the Gorilla... I guess they're not too far off, ay Darwin?

I think it might be the shirt/mouth/hair that's distracting the model... let's just flick that switch over here...
Ah there we go!
Well... it's not bad. Not as effective as the Silverback though but still passable... JUST.
I was having some deep troubles with creating this stucture unlike the Silverback, with everything just fell into place while creating. I think the biggest problems here include the overstrengthed chest and the oddly placed shoes. The chest can't decide which age Willie group is in and this would have to be researched further if to be corrected. The shoes are JUST a little off, you will see from the side they don't look as misplaced but from here they do; and every direction MUST be balanced. I think I used one sphere too far when creating it and it looks like Willie's feet have coconuts placed upon them. I guess this test model is ok... could be better.
Ah my friends the wireframes! The anatomy might be a little off for this test but I'm sure when it comes to the final model I will move the vertexs around to make sure everything looks acceptab- wait a minute... that picture... doesn't it have...
Oh dammit... those "lines" have returned. Blue CV lines are worst than the Blue Screen of death. I suppose... it will have to do... for now. Ok what I have planned for the lines include:
I have two options of creating hair. I could follow a tutorial by using CV points to position and customise the hair using the Maya software OR I could use a single object such as polygons/nerbs or even a spirit... though that's pushing it quite a bit. This is still in moderate and will also be decided for the Silverback too.
I was thinking about cutting out and booleaning a polygon WITH the additional of Ncloth to create the shirt and possibly trousers, but this might prove unstable when it comes to rigging, in which case a flat polygon or nurb object will replace the body, moving with the character. Both will work... hopefully...
Like Silverback, I plan to follow the technique of rigging lips to the character making sure they will stay in place with the character's face if moving. There are additional ideas such as texture animating but that's pretty complicated for a low life like me.
Hmm... should the neck be that think?
At least you don't see those... "lines" from this direction... I love you side view!
I think the back works quite well in this view... though you wouldn't be able to tell this is a young child. hmm... BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!!!
Don't get me started over the...
Semi-blue "lines". The back works a little better... no out-of-placed shoes or manly torso here... though the leg/lower torso error might need some stretching... feels a bit squashed in and quite painful. In good news though the ears work well, yep. Ears.
Well one good, one average... I think this is considered a pass. I've learnt from mistakes and when it comes to the real deal I know what I need to look out for. The next blog hopefully should be the maya tutorials I've used to help with my progress OR possibly a timeline. I should have had that by now...

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Needs more Workbell

Will this project open up areas for me to work?

I know this project isn't official, as it is an example test set by Ravensbourne to see where my weaknesses and strengths are included in character workings. But if this was played out for real, where would it take me? Would it make or break my future?
I have had concerns about this project since I don't believe I have the skills to be working in 3D, as it has made me depressed for many years and this is never the right sign for what is to come. But if I managed to complete the demand and keep the client-in-question happy, this would open up doors and connections to all vacancies and lessons around the ciuntry, perhaps the world. Just because the client might not relate to what you want, doesn't mean it can't get you one step further to what you personally want to achieve.

I worry thohugh, if I'm going to stay in this field my whole life without making at least one of the dreams I have thought about throughout my childhood. It feels a shame because this is known to be true with some people, hard-workers or not. I don't feel the wait for a future that isn't going to be positive.
But Clients come first, I come second. I need to remember this...

The Little PEOPLE!

Ahem. As mentioned, this blog shall be talking about the characters and my part in play. I originally started but drawing concepts for all the characters, for thids time I had not already decided to be Willie and Cornelius. These are the five main designs, and I shall be talking about what I like and dislike about them. I'm sorry if some of the drawings might have "crap" stuctures, such as Willie's Legs. But I'm not the greatest pose drawer... so this will just have to do. Enjoy!
Cornelius - Silverback Gorilla
The first "complete "drawing of Cornelius. While the stucture of the arms might be a little off I like this picture, and I think the shading works quite well. I researched from the LRC books and the internet to what the Silverback looks like. I also used my own ideas to convert the character to look the way I wanted. I've decided to keep all drawimgs in a cartoon fashion to relate to family and child, as well as another method of attraction. I do believe this will be the most difficult model to create and animate due to the natural movements of the Gorilla itself, and how it uses the arms to "push forward" to direct. I have many doubts this will cause problems in the modelling process but it's a risk I'm taking.
Wee Eck McGlone - Keeper
My original choice as my selection of characters was either Wee or Cornelius. And while I had my own ideas on how Wee would be selected I felt I wanted to use a human character as a vistor (willie) and an animal from the "other side" perspective, so the Zoo isn't just seen from the human's perspective. While the drawing might be off, I quite enjoyed drawng this character. I was aiming for a grey/greenish work jacket to blend in with the Zoo Environment and to be recognised as staff. I really dislike those hands...
Wilhemina Billiams - Grandmother
I was worried when designing this character. While at this time I was working on how to improve how to draw/research Female structures and anatomy, I never really considered the "old age" looks and feel. This drawing was a risk... and it JUST paid off. I started with the face down and while I like her clothes I do believe her face isn't as effective as it should as be, though you can clearly see the skin marks and last-gen clothes.
Willie Billiams - Insect Boy
My original concept of a yellow shirt with a spider pattern and black hair just seemed to fit. Could it be the black/yellow pattern of a wasp? I don't know but to I believe personally it's quite effective and successful. I wanted the child to be a pest, yet lovable at the same time so while he's attracted to insects I managed to draw a cute face to show the innocence and youth of the character as his other attitude. To model this will be easier than the Silverback, as the model is smaller in size, less detail and features. I look forward to modelling this character BUT I worry over using the program, as I have yet to successful design a character beforehand. If I decide to animate this character I would use fast-active movements, such as the use of childplay as in Pocoyo. Please view the video below to see what inspired me to motivate this character:
Pocahonta Billiams - Shy Girl
While small and imperfect I really liked her character. I was tempted to replace Willie with her as the character I would take forward to modelling. But It was the weathercoat she is wearing which prevented this; I don't have the skills to animate and model this in a way I would feel happy with. There was one problem with her character and that was the fact that because she was rather shy I didn't think I could provoke a story that easily with this character, even if she dreams to be a Gorilla like Cornelius. Though its possible acts of her copycating the Silverback might have cancelled this thought.
Willie Billiams and Cornelius were the chosen characters. Since they are being pushed forward I've decided to show their designs and concepts including faces, clothes and body stuctures.
Willy Billiams - Concept
While I started originally to work on plain-faced boys I quicker discovered my love of the current face through the reasons described above. This page shows all the different clothes and originally body and face bulk which I started with. To be honest, this character drew itself as it was stuck in my mind from nowhere.
Cornelius Silverback - Concept
Originally tracing from the Gorilla sources mentioned (they will be shown in a future blog post... hopefully) i decided to get the feel and size of Cornelius. The major changes mainly involves the eyes which turned from Cartoony Bubbles, to Angry eyes... to short grumpy eyes. He might be wise but he would naturally look grumpy throughout his body's nature, regardless if he is happy or not. I also designed the Silverback's shape using squares, hoping to achieve a style focusing more of the muscle of the animals. Since this project was focused more of the character's personality this idea was scrapped for the final and I focused on the basic body shaped and more details around the facial expressions.

There were two choices on how I could carrying on these characters, in which both involved modelling the characters in 3D. I could choose to texture them, to make their body feel real, in the form of stop-motion; maybe as plasticine or clay. OR I could animate and rig their body to make sure they move naturally and not artificially smoothed when moving, this would be more difficult but more rewarding and a bonus lesson learnt on rigging, a area I have not studied before. I'm not sure if it's acceptable, but I've decided to a play and see method. I'm going to choose and animate/rig my two models, as this should help me make my own characters if learnt correctly. BUT if the project starts going wrong near the final weeks, I might have to chance to texturing as I am not capiable of animating and as a learning outcome this WOULD NOT be my work field for the future.

Future Blogs hopefully should include my communication with the project and industria, and how I feel about how this will turn out. Let's hope things turn for the best.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

To Zoo and beyond

Don't ask about the title...

Right. We know I'm going to pick the London Zoo (animation - Two characters) but do I know about the zoo itself? This post is dedicated to the research and knowledge of the zoo in general, and why I didn't choose another location in London to base this brief on. I shall uncover the history, personal feelings and today of the London Zoo; this might also help to design the characters through the workers there. Let's start with a rough draft of the Zoo's history:

Stamford Raffles, who original owned the land for the location, established the London Zoo in 1826. But it wasn't until his death the Marquis of Lansdowne took ownership and continued with an expansion of the first animal houses. Animals were not ready to be shown to the public until 1828 when it was officially opened, and from this day the wonders and information of animal species from all over the globe could be exhibited and loved.

I would like to head to the Zoo one day for primary research, but this won't be completed for a while since I need to get the right time, I need a full day possible since I don't know what I'm expecting... but a new blog will be posted of my research that day. About the project, the London Zoo is a family activity central so the characters of the film would have to friendly and entertaining, to gather attention and to make sure what the whole Zoo is about.

The next blog will be talking about the characters designing and if they are going to be animated/rigged or textured, stay tuned. Here's a map for the London Zoo, sorry about the alpha channels but it's better than nothing...

Monday, 2 February 2009

To group, or to not?

What makes this project different from last time is I have the option to work alone or to form a group, maximum of 3 students per. I have had some time to think about this but after the result of the last project I have decided to work alone. In all honestly I really would like to work in a group, but I have lost a great deal of confidence on who to communicate with and how to cooperate from last time and this isn't going to get recovered any time soon. I feel like I'm going to breakdown any time soon and It would be the best if I worked independently.

NOW, I have decided to continue with the "Character designing" for the London zoo, and this means that if I'm working alone I have to do a minimum of one to two of the chosen-brief characters. In short, these include:

Willie Billiams - Hyperactive nine year old kid.
Pocahontas Billiams - Relaxed Child. Sister of Willie.
Wilhemina Billiams - Grandmother of the Billiams children.
Wee Eck McGlone - Scottish keeper of the zoo, aggressive.
Cornelius - Silverback gorrila. The only sensible character.

Obviously I could have copy and pasted from the brief JARED, but I'm actually typing something... see.... TYPPPPPPING.
But in all seriousness, none of the characters seem to affect a negative attitude from me, and each one can created. Though I do worry about the skeleton system for the gorilla. So here's the order I've created to show which characters I'm going to be designing:

Willie Billians and Cornelius are the first choices. I wanted to keep a simple human structured character, which would lead to be to the child. Why didn't I choose any of the other human characters? Pocahontas and Wilhemina would be more difficult as the Female body structure would harder to craft, and I don't want to make things too complicated for my first character project. Besides, Wilhemina would require more detail to show her age and body shape. I could have chosen to do Wee Eck the keeper, but I decided to keep at least one member of the Billiams family to be used, as they take the most choices to be for this project, meaning they are needed in demand.
Cornelius is going to be tricky and if things don't go too well, I might have to go to plan B (which is shown lower on the page). If I choose to animate the Gorilla, I will have to study the way it moves through research and evidence of these creatures. But a model is required nevertheless and I'm worried that I don't have the skills to be character to look like this. The end will create something but it may not be up to the quality as I once hoped, and only time will time.

Plan B involves me changing Cornelius's character to Wee Eck McGlone. This is only in the case if I can't create the model for the animal. I could have chosen another of the Billemas family, but I aimed to show variety and these two opposites would be enough to complete the demand. Plan B does not involve changing Willie's character; he will stay to the end of the project as I hope it will.

Now that I have decided upon the project and the character chosen, I am now going to start the research and look of these characters. Am I going to use my own style, or I am going to relate to their view of working? Next post gentlemen!