Monday, 16 March 2009

And there was much rejoicing...

It's done... after so much stress, depression and no sleep (yes no sleep is real) it's done.

My short review: bad.
My Longer review:

Well... I already knew from the start this wasn't goingt to end up well. Making a model is a real bugger for me, in fact... ANYTHING useful in maya is hard to me. I managed to overcome basic modelling at the end of this course BUT I failed to create a good rig. it's a shame though, it could have been so much more...

The main film itself (though I like the intro) just didn't work. The second half seemed empty and out of place. With the incomplete rig, I was very limited to my storyboards and I did not follow them as planned. it's possible I might recontinue this product on my own, nothing related to the college. Just to prove that I could have made what I wanted. As said, I do like the intro. It was timed with the music and very beaty, in fact... the textureless models swings with the music; reminds me of a musical film noir. However there were just too many faults with the timing and rigging to make this film good; but who knows... something might come out of it...

NOW THE SECONDS FILM-wait, what? There isn't meant to be a second film?

Correct; this was my own idea. After my negative responce to the film, I decided to include a show-rell, showing a clearer image of the two models and their facial rigs. Why did I do this? Because not only if it more fginal content, it is also to show what the model looks like, and what it can do WITHOUT the pacing and distraction of the film. I imagined I sent this model to a real company, as a preview. If the film didn't get to them, they would see, clear as day, what the model is like graphicly wise, 360. It also showed a variety of facial expressions, in case you didn't catch some of them in the final film.

Please note that the second youtube video does NOT have sound. For some reason youtube doesn't like the track. Both track are from the David Lynch collection of films; and they both worked great. If I could compliment one thing other than the introduction of the main film; it would be the timing and use of music. It really make a change to a empty video.

Well, this is over... now I need a real job. OFF TO THE LONG ROAD! Goodbye!


Coming near the end now, stay tuned for the animations. GET READY!!!

Chrono Rigger

This is the first model with facial animation. I had to blend multiple objects withe the same amount of vertex's to create this. The mouths worked really weel; though the eyes are STILL hard to control.
Time is running out. Tick tock... tick tock...
But for now, let's discuss my history of rigging... or I say everything and you ignore this whole post; yeah... I like the sound of that!

Ok ok... here we go...
Rigging still is and was going to be the hardest part of this project. Hearing about how difficult it is and what's required to get a MODERATE passable rig is quite insane... the amount of work you must do and the chance to accidentaly restart your creation. I started by rigging my test model back some blogs back using help with the digital tutors rigging tutorial. Sadly, because of the model this didn't end well and things went downhill and upsetting for my future.
Over the course I have learnt mainly interface tricks rather than vertex/rigging masterpieces. Like before, I started with the Skeletons.
This is the skeleton system of "Willie Billiams". It worked well, though plain and empty. Sadly I couldn't add weights to any of the bone structures due not knowing how to do it correctly, there were so many problems caused while trying to solve this... I never did. Only the fingers and toes could I get to work with weights; maybe I will learn over time.
Most of the anatomy of Willie Billiams is quite easy to know, I decided to keep as many un-needed joints as possible; though some can slip. I added two additional joints at the armpits to prevenet collision troubke. This did NOT solve the error.
I wanted to keep riggings similar, so I wouldn't get confused and frustrated over how I would control each skeleteon. This is shaped in the manner of a Gorilla, though Gorilla's don't have that short of a leg in real life, it was more applied to my current model.
The blenders. These are invisible objects that trigger the different facial expressions. Very handy, when invisible they didn't cause a problem nor chaos. The facial rig wasn't pefect, but it was more completed and workable than trying to finish riggjng a model. Cools tuff.
The faces of evil. These are screenshots from the first ever model used with these rigs, It really impressed me that so little weight makers were caused AT first. Though ignorant of seeging in how about how much went wrong, for example... I could NOT move my chaarcters. You will see in the fnal film there are no straight movents.
Early Picture of the deformers models. They don't need eyes or detail... UNLESS they removed the current model itslef, though seesm unpredictable.
Another picture created via blenders. I love blenders.
Might have been a hard subject and poor result, but the post seemed worthy to be posted amongst the others.

Sunday, 15 March 2009


AKA... music.

After the success of my editing film "In Heaven", I have decided to use another music track from the David Lynch collection of films. For that video I used (and named my film after) "In Heaven" from Eraserhead, to create a cold depressive atmosphere for my film. THIS time, I've decided to use 101 - "Angelo Badalamenti & The City of Prague Philharmonic from the film "Mulholland Dr." The track is beaty, active and heavy use on jass and drums. It contains the energy and weightness (active and drums) to represent both of the characters in actions.

Song will be heard on the final film, stay tuned!

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Storrrrreeee... Princess

I made a mistake...

... Yes I always make mistakes, but this is quite a major one.

I misread the brief, it required a final footage demostrating the model at work. I originally read it as they wanted to see a usable model to be used for work.

... gulp.

Well I might not make my video a masterpiece, but I could at least show something. Working on my own and knowing little about Maya really wouldn't make my work flawless anyway

I have two video ideas planned. The first is an average of 30 second footage of Willie Billiams provoking Cornelius by poking him, hench getting poked back suprisingly. The other is a short show-reel of the model, viewing the models easier as well as more rig animations and positions. Though one of these will be optional, I have created a storyboard for the first project. It isn't as detailed as much other drawings but it will have to do... I need to hit myself with something...

1. Cornelius staring at something... confused.

2. A boy-like figure walks in the foreground.

3. Cornelius is confused even further.

4. Long shot. Willie Billiams peaks through. Cornelius stares at the appeared Boy.

5. Cornelius alarmed! Boy moves closer, seems happy. Camera zoom in slowly?

6. Boy's Shadow appears on Cornelius. The Gorilla seems distracted.

7. Boy meets up with Cornelius, head to head. Willie Billiams still smiles and stares back at the Gorilla.

8. Head Shots of both characters.

9. Willie Billiams suprisingly pokes Cornelius on the head.

10. The Boy smirks and flees, Cornelius gets frustrated and annoyed.

11. Cornelius starts to calm down... while Willie Billiams sneaks up behind.

12. Willie Billiams taps Cornelius again, attempts to repeat like before.

13. The Boy tries to stop laughing at his enjoyment, however Cornelius is angry and brainstorming.

14. Cornelius picks up the boy aggressively. The Boy acts suprised, not shocked.

15. Cornelius attempts to throw the confused boy.

16. An Empty Gorilla Hand is moved on the screen.

17. Shorty afterwards, Cornelius's face is smirking.

18. Cornelius "double-taps" Willie Billiams.

19. Cornelius burts out laughing. Billie William walks away confused and lost.
20. End Credits. Though not needed.
This might be changed during production, this is to show the rough idea what is hopefully going to be created. Wish me luck.


The final look. The project might not be over but I could at least review the models. In short, I'm actually proud of them. Imperfect and maybe slightly inaccurate, but they look nice and smooth, and it's the best I could do in the short time that I have had to form what I wanted. Most of the time was wasted or distracted trying to learn HOW to model in the first place. vertex's are my enemeies now...
Billiam Williams
A much improved design over the test model some blog posts back. It actually works quite well with the slim limbs and detail-less shirt. If this was textured I'm sure the colours and patterns would be easily seen to match the concept. I rate the model as good, nothing more or less.
Cornelius the Silverback Gorilla
Just as proud. Throughout the making I always thought the Gorilla looked so much better, but the final touches of the boy really brought them both to equal. I have to say that the bulk of the Gorilla really makes me favouritise this model, even if it's not a realistic Gorilla but more of my design. I rate the model good.
Gee... both equal. WHAT A TWIST!
I could get into detail what's great and rubbish about them... but I've pretty much covered my words from earlier useless writing posts. Though there is one thing I missed out on both models which failed...
Right, something went odd here. I wanted to use Zbrush to create scratch and pressed marks in both models, to make them seem more feelable unlike normal 3D. HOWEVER whatever got imported, changed, and then exported out of Zbrush would fail. I mean, it didn't matter if I re-smoothed the model, the "face" marks of the model would always show.
I don't understand what I did but this took too long to figure out how to cure it and this was left out. It's a shame I couldn't get the models to look slighlt more detailed, but If I can still animate them in stop-motion fashion... I might JUST be saved...


Well It's time for Cornelius, the Silverback. This, though made at the same time, is my second model. So I think it has a few improvements in the bulk compared to Willie Billiams model. There are less creation steps in this model since it follows the same technique as the first model. So here we go...

Looks a little out of place... but it will come together. It will...
Ah that's better. Though there are too many edges at the model this time, I will be removing a lot to make the model flexable at the end. I really love the bulk of this character and I'm happy this model this created... shame if the whole project goes wrong near the end :/
Face in the works. It's pretty similar to Willie Billiams in the way it was created, but the tilted neck and mouth hardness seperate the final look. The last preview will show what I mean...
Though not the last preview, you can see it taking shape now. I won't be creating any textures for this model, but I didn't see any harm in creating colour for the eyes. It would actually make my model look nicer at the end. Also notice the size of the mouth compared to my other model. Seperate the mammals.
And there it is. To be honest, about the worries and negatives I keep bringing up, its quite cancelled out with this model. I really like it!
Sure it's a little plain, or maybe the leg is small... but I WANTED to keep these models simple. Think about it... they are my first models. I would be a fool to add so much detail and features on something that would most likely screw up during rigging. So I'm proud of this...

Mah Boi

Ok let's talk about the official models. I already showed the preview tests some blog posts back, to give a rough idea of what is be created. Well... I've got the model done.


I've actually got an official model completed for once. I will be showing the steps of how I created the model for Willie Billiams.

So this is where I started. Three Cylinders to form the character. Using inspiration from the digital tutors and various websites this is where I got the idea from. It took me so many times to get this model right that I'm only go to show the correct model that worked.

I don't want to talk so much about this one... except to mention one event...
Anyway moving on...
I actually quite liked this original shape. it felt like the character. But there were too many... sigh... vertex problems to keep this shape, so I had to change it to make my first "model" work. The problem with the vertexs is if you JUST move one out of place, everything will go wrong. If you was me making this model at the time... you would just hate it and blame all your problems on the vertex.
Now here's the correct model. I'm dissapointed it lost the charm of the previous model, but at least its balanced and more stable now and that's whats important. Please note the blue lines representing the shirt was original going to be cloth settings; this tutorial went all wrong as it wasn't clear enough how to create certain options; hench... I never completed it.
Right now the body is looking a bit nicer. I started merging the limbs together and somehow sorting out the vertexs. The worst part was the face... since it was so difficult comparing it to the concept art. I managed to achieve a face suitable for the model though not perfect to what I wanted, but I like it nevertheless.
The eye is now in place, it was created via Digital Tutors. In good time I hope to create eyes the way I want, but for now this will do.
Detailing the eye...
Nose and ear extruded... you wouldn't believe how many vertex and face problems this caused. The original boy model had lips, but it wouldn't suit the model OR concept art, and this was left open. Though the final model shown has a square mouth in the form of a muppet, it suited the model when smoothed.
Added the "annoying to make" shoe.
And there we go. I will show a rendered picture in good time, but this is is just to show the final model and what I did in steps to create what it is. You can also notice the extruding of the shirt in the middle.

4 Is a Wonderful Number

You might have already seen the concept art from the previous post, but you have not seen the four poses which have really helped the modelling of the characters, as well as facial expressions. This is the first "official" time I have used this to create characters and personally, I've quite enjoyed this. I admit the drawings are not perfect but it's just my drawing style. I will improve over time.

Also I have contributed the colourless drawings if the colour seems distracting.

Good times...