Thursday, 5 March 2009

It's Time for Time

Ok so what's planned through this course then? I should have posted this earlier but well... erm... so here's the timetable then! The first few weeks have past and I've included what I originally had planned back then.

Week 3 - Create concept for the characters, decide who to pick. Start work on colour tests

Week 4 - Complete Character Tests, start work on tutorials to correct the final models. Research Books from LRC.

Week 5 - Complete modelling tests, example on how it would look. Decide the steps on how the model will be created.

Week 6 - Start official model work. Visit London Zoo.

Week 7 - Start Rigging progress. Continue modelling, hope to get somewhere...

Week 8 - Finish Modeling work, Continue progress at rigging. Hopefully update this blog. Wait, what?

Week 9 - Final week, finish rendering + rigging. if I get time I will create a short 10 second animated sequence demostrating the model and IKs at work.

Week 10 - Hell's gate. I'm doomed. (no explosions this time)

Well that's the plan in simple. I could detail this out a bit but even the future can't really decide how every step is going to be done. Too many suprises :/

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