I've actually got an official model completed for once. I will be showing the steps of how I created the model for Willie Billiams.

So this is where I started. Three Cylinders to form the character. Using inspiration from the digital tutors and various websites this is where I got the idea from. It took me so many times to get this model right that I'm only go to show the correct model that worked.

So this is where I started. Three Cylinders to form the character. Using inspiration from the digital tutors and various websites this is where I got the idea from. It took me so many times to get this model right that I'm only go to show the correct model that worked.
I don't want to talk so much about this one... except to mention one event...
Anyway moving on...
I actually quite liked this original shape. it felt like the character. But there were too many... sigh... vertex problems to keep this shape, so I had to change it to make my first "model" work. The problem with the vertexs is if you JUST move one out of place, everything will go wrong. If you was me making this model at the time... you would just hate it and blame all your problems on the vertex.
Now here's the correct model. I'm dissapointed it lost the charm of the previous model, but at least its balanced and more stable now and that's whats important. Please note the blue lines representing the shirt was original going to be cloth settings; this tutorial went all wrong as it wasn't clear enough how to create certain options; hench... I never completed it.
Right now the body is looking a bit nicer. I started merging the limbs together and somehow sorting out the vertexs. The worst part was the face... since it was so difficult comparing it to the concept art. I managed to achieve a face suitable for the model though not perfect to what I wanted, but I like it nevertheless.
The eye is now in place, it was created via Digital Tutors. In good time I hope to create eyes the way I want, but for now this will do.
Detailing the eye...
Nose and ear extruded... you wouldn't believe how many vertex and face problems this caused. The original boy model had lips, but it wouldn't suit the model OR concept art, and this was left open. Though the final model shown has a square mouth in the form of a muppet, it suited the model when smoothed.
Added the "annoying to make" shoe.
And there we go. I will show a rendered picture in good time, but this is is just to show the final model and what I did in steps to create what it is. You can also notice the extruding of the shirt in the middle.
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