The day itself, not warm but neither cold... nothing special for me but at least this got the animals out. It was easier to find than I thought, knowing Camden Streets... I would have been lost and more likely would have bumped into a creepy man...
*drum cue*
Ok maybe not that Lost.
No more Crude Jokes tonight... hopefully, let's talk about WHY I went to the damn zoo in the first place. Well obviously I needed more sources from the insects to the Gorillas, but it was also the fact that I wanted to see how the Gorilla would move around and act, and of course... the animals...
It's funnah cause its random LOL LLAMA SO FUNNAH XD LOLOLOL O-O
PENGUINS! They're so cute and... and... COOL!
*drum cue*
yes... the animals... and annoying internet communication...
But in all seriousness, the worst part was my camera dying out on me... AT THE DAMN GORILLA WORLD!!!
I went through the whole day just enjoying myself also, and the camera runs out of it's "full-length" batteries, despite the camera being off most of the time.... it was just annoying... RIGHT at the area which I really needed it. heck, I didn't have any spare batteries... and I couldn't get the video recorder to work either... rather sad indeed dear chaps.
Something this zoo and Maya have in common.
The insect area creatively titled... "bugs!"was an extra idea conducted at the time. I figured Willie Billiams was connected in adoring the little bastards (well they are!) I wanted to take my time watching them and seeing which ones could be used to represent the child. Here are some of the spiders:
Real... or picture?
I named him Jason
... I think it's a Tarantula.
The original photo of the Widow was blurred... this is a... sigh... alternative.
I wish...
Most of the other bugs photos were not really great in quality. Thus, why there are so many spiders. I think this pretty much fate-decides what insect Willie Billiams likes...
There were more insects and other nasty creatures such as Snakes in the other side of the zoo... sadly next to the Gorilla World when... you know...
Sorry for the lesser of photos.
MEANWHILE, Just outside of Gorilla World. Logic is liked.
We couldn't copy their dance, it would "upset" them. Awww... I wanted chaos.
Dat ass...
Gorschach Journal... October 15th 1985...
*drum cue*
Gorillas, in nature, tend to be top of the state Constructors.
I wish my camera could zoom in further... Can hardly see much of the Gorillas...
Mr Branshore, Would you stand up please.
I'm not the only one who sees a DNA strip in the middle... right?
Gorilla World is a scary world...
More of less talk, more look blog post this time. Shame I didn't get as many photos as I originally planned. But at least I can look back at this when I need additional Gorilla graphics.... yeah.... this. And now what the zoo and my situation have in common...
When you see it...
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